"Álmok és víziók"

"Álmok és víziók"

A tárlaton Molnár-C. Pál festőművész (1894-1981) álomszerű tájképei, szürrealista alkotásai mellett vendégművészként megjelenik Paizs Goebel Jenő festőművész (1896-1944) is.

The Pál Molnár-C. Studio and Museum introduces itself

The permanent MCP exhibition displays a cross-section of the rich artistic legacy

A place where one can sense the smell of paint

The painter Pál Molnár-C. lived and worked in a villa located in Ménesi Street on the hillside of Gellért Hill for 50 years. After his death his younger daughter, Dr. Éva Csillag Pálné set up a family-owned private museum in 1984, where the works of art are on show in their birthplace, and the smell of paint is virtually sensible. The Pál Molnár-C. Studio and Museum has been the oldest family-owned private museum in the country since then.

Multifarious oeuvre

The Pál Molnár-C. Studio and Museum has been a museum collection of public utility since 2011. The painter’s revival comes about through the extraordinarily versatile oeuvre concerning its subjects, its style and its technical expedients, as well as through the artist’s personal articles and the family remembrance. The permanently changing MCP exhibition displays a cross-section of the rich artistic legacy, with an exhibition material varying in pursuance of different topics from time to time.

“Tavasz” (Spring) Hall

Since 2008 two museums have been operating at the same location. In the neighboring Spring Hall, which was transformed into a flat museum from the quondam home of Pál Molnár-C.’s elder daughter, Magda, at the same time perpetuating the name of its residents, we exhibit family-owned collections of great masters. The main idea of these exhibitions is to expose the artist’s human nature by handing out a brochure titled ‘The Artist’s Mirror’, whereby the visitor has the opportunity to encounter the creator’s human character and personality.

Kristy McManus‎

Kristy McManus‎

Just last month, I was able to take a group of American college students visiting Budapest to this wonderful museum. This was one of the main highlights of our week-long trip to this gorgeous city. I cannot thank the family enough for welcoming us into the museum and sharing this piece of family history with us. We will carry it in our hearts forever! What a treat!!!

Coming events

Come and visit our coming events

25 2025 febr

Gellérthegyi délelőttök

  • 10:00

A szimmetria témakör harmadik előadását hallgathatják meg a múzeumban. A címe „A mór díszítő művészettől a matematikai művészetig”. Először az elektromágneses hullámokról lesz szó, ezen belül az UV sugárzás felfedezéséről. Azután pedig gyönyörű képeken követjük nyomon a csempézés matematikai varázslatát, vagyis azt, hogyan lehet a síkot különféle ábrákkal hézagmentesen lefedni. Végül választ kapnak arra, hogy igaza volt-e egy híres fizikusnak, aki azt mondta, hogy „Nem léteznek .kvázikristályok csak kvázifizikusok.” Adorján Magdi előadása